Dagstuhl experiments in formalisation

These pages report on a working group at Schloss Dagstuhl Seminar 18341 on Formalization of Mathematics in Type Theory. The aim was to investigate what happens when a working mathematician with limited knowledge of proof assistants attempts to set up one of the more popular systems and use it to perform some fairly basic tasks.


The discussion on these pages will be based on the following list of tasks, which is different in some details from the list used at the conference.
Prove that $1+1=2$ Details
Prove the infinitude of primes Details
Set up the unit group of a commutative ring. Prove that $\mathbb{Z}^\times=\{1,-1\}$. Details
Set up the ideal of nilpotents in a commutative ring, and the corresponding quotient ring. Prove that $\text{Nil}(\mathbb{Z}/4)=\{0,2\}$ and $\text{Nil}(R/\text{Nil}(R))=0$. Details
Given a finite set $A$, construct the poset of partitions of $A$. Prove that if $|A|=3$ then $|\text{Part}(A)|=5$. Details

Proof assistant systems

These pages will focus on the following three systems:
Lean with the mathlib library Details
Coq/ssreflect with the mathematical components library Details
Isabelle HOL with the HOL-Algebra library Details

